Facebook recently launched what is their version of a local review site called, Facebook Services.  Facebook services is very similar to a site like Yelp where users can search for local business and service providers in the city or location of their choice.

Upon conducting a search for a local business Facebook returns a list of the top businesses per that category of service. These results are indeed local business Facebook pages.

Users can then look at the business description, photos, and reviews of the results to decide which business they would like to contact.

How Can You Get Your Local Business To Rank At The Top of Facebook Services (Local Directory)

It will certainly be beneficial to have your business ranking at the top of your related business category in your city within Facebook Services just as it is important to have your website showing up in Google on the first page for related search terms.

Facebook has not disclosed how they are selecting which businesses get this first page real estate within their directory however our expert SEO digital marketing team has done some testing and has discovered what most likely Facebook is using to determine their results. This of course we cannot disclsoe publicly quite yet but it is a service we are providing to our current clients.

Related: SEO and Social Media Automation in 2016

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