Matt Cutts Tweets New Google Webmaster Tool

The head of Google’s webspam team, Matt Cutts, decided to publicly announce the release of Google Webmaster’s new “link finder” tool just yesterday evening. Cutt’s tweeted, 

“You can now download links from Google *sorted by date*. Nice. Look for “Download latest links” in console UI. Pass it on!”

The new links tool shows you where your website is receiving the most current links from. Monitoring the quality of your inbound links is important to your SEO campaign and thus this tool will come in very handy.

How To Access Most Recent Links in Google Webmaster

Here are some easy to follow directions for how to access your recent links assuming you are logged into your Google Webmaster account.

1). Click on traffic on the left hand side of  your dashboard (screenshot to the right)

2).  Click on “links to your site”

3). Click on the “more” button under Your most recent content.

4). Click on “Download latest links”

And that’s it. Once you click “download latest links” up pops the option for the format of your download and your set. Now it’s time to analyze the quality of inbound links for which you are receiving and to dump the poor quality links that may negatively affect your rankings should you keep them.

SEO ACTION TIP: Should you find a high PR site linking to yours (ex. ESPN links to your site) consider composing a new blog post reviewing that ESPN linked to your site. Then in your blog post link to that page of ESPN’s site from where they link to your site. Create a triangle of linking pages with ESPN in order to further boost the ranking authority of their link to your site.

Not sure where to build links to start your SEO campaign? Here’s a hint. Start with social _______ sites.

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