Siri To Push Local SEO

Siri on the iphone 4S is your virtual assistant that will help you to send text messages, emails, schedule meetings, place phone calls, set reminders, answer questions, search the web, and more. To put it simply Siri is revolutionizing how people interact with their cell phones. It will soon be long ago in which people used their hands to operate their cell phone. Siri is redefining “hands-free” technology and with this change in technology comes a change in how people will use their cell phones.

Siri Will Change Search

With the invention of Siri one can expect the number of internet searches to increase. When gadgets become easier to use people use them more. This is a fact. You can expect that Siri will have people using their phone even more than they currently do because voice command saves time and is easier than typing on a small keypad.

You can expect Siri will have people searching for local businesses more. When people need to find a restaurant, hotel, coffee shop, laundry mat, bookstore, massage parlor, lazer tag arena, or a local golf frisbee course you can bet they will use Siri and or any other future cell phone assistant to request information.

Siri Will Change Local SEO

Imagine you are driving in your car and you decide you are hungry for a sandwich. So you whip out your cell phone and ask Siri for options for local sandwich shops. Which shops will she recommend? Which shops will Siri even index as an existing option?

Siri will list those sandwich shops that she knows to exist within the same proximity. Where does Siri gain her information? She simply searches the web herself and returns what she finds to you. Thus in this scenario Siri will list those sandwich shops which she finds most readily online. In the end those sandwich shops with the best local SEO will be listed.

As a local business owner Siri should be your best friend. People are out there asking Siri to find your business. The question is whether or not your current local SEO campaign is helping Siri to find you.

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