Ten Incredible Social and Search Stats

It is no secret that “inbound marketing”, a term coined by the genius’ at Hubspot, is beginning to dominate traditional marketing. Search Engine optimization and social media is powerful in theory because it is based upon providing consumers the information they want to see and hear where and when they want to see and hear it. Unlike traditional marketing and interruption advertising, inbound marketing delivers a message in the right context. As the social and search bandwagon grows larger more statistics allow marketers to understand just how gigantic a movement online marketing has become. Below are ten mind bending SEO and Social Media stats to juice up your Monday spirits.

1). Every minute more than 500 tweets contain YouTube Links. (SEO Chat, 2011)  TWEET THIS!

2). Firms generating 60% or more of their leads online are 2X more profitable than those generating less than 20% of their leads online. (HubSpot, 2011) TWEET THIS!

3). In the past 4 years, the web has gone from 100 million websites to 250 million. (Source: Netcraft, Dec 2010) TWEET THIS!

4). 67% of consumers conduct research online prior to purchase during the holiday season. (Source: Post Holiday Learnings for 2011 Google/OTX, Jan 2011) TWEET THIS!!

5). In 2011, the average shopper consults 10.4 sources prior to purchase, twice as many as a year ago. (Source: Google/Shopper Sciences, Zero Moment of Truth Macro Study, U.S., Apr 2011) TWEET THIS!

6). 53% of searchers purchase as a result of a smartphone search online. (Source: Google/OTX, The Mobile Movement, U.S, Apr 2011) TWEET THIS!

7). 43% of US adults say they’d be willing to give up beer for a month if it meant they could keep accessing the internet on their smartphones. (Source: Google/OTX, The Mobile Movement, U.S, Apr 2011) TWEET THIS!
8). 82.6% of internet users use search. (Source: eMarketer, July 2011) Tweet This!
9). 16% of the daily queries on Google have never been seen before. (Source: Google Internal Data 2011) Tweet This!!
10). 88% of US companies over 100 employees will use social media for marketing by 2012. (Source: eMarketer, November 2010) TWEET THIS!!

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