Probably the most important factor for determining both the strategy and success of a search engine optimization campaign lies in the selection of keyword phrases. Choosing the right keywords phrases to optimize for any particular website should not be taken lightly. The keyword phrases that are chosen for a campaign determine how people will find a website, how many people will find a website, how quickly a website will rank on the first page of a search engine, and the interest level of the searching party.With that said you must generate a comprehensive list of keyword possibilities before you can select keywords for you SEO campaign.

Here are 5 tips for generating the best keywords for your SEO campaign:

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  • List as many product/service names associated with your business as possible. (e.g. lawyer, doctor,)
  • Brainstorm as many descriptive variations of those product/service names as possible. (e.g. attorney, criminal law, bankruptcy lawyer)
  • Study your competitor’s website and their keywords. This is a great strategy to realizing keywords you hadn’t thought of yourself.
  • Add geographic specific keyword variations. (San Diego Lawyer, San Diego bankruptcy lawyer, La jolla Bankruptcy lawyer)
  • Take your list of all keyword variations and enter then into Google’s Keyword Tool to have Google recommend even more keyword variations.

[/custom_list] Once you have completed these 5 steps you should have an excellent list of keyword possibilities for which to choose for your SEO campaign. This is a crucial first step. Without a full list of possibilities it is likely that you may miss out out on a great keyword ranking opportunity. After you have assembled this list you are ready to compare keywords and select the best choices for your campaign based upon relevance, competition, search volume, and profitability potential.

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