Online marketing is all about strategy. It is about the effectiveness of your efforts. It is not about quantity as much as it is about quality. And there is so much going on in terms of content via all the different social networks, bookmarking sites, and within the search engines that it is easy to forget your marketing strategy while you are out surfing the internet. Did you know that the average person spends over 2 hours a day browsing the internet? That is over 14 hours a week! That is a lot of personal time. Now granted it is enjoyable to surf the internet, network with your friends, and visit random websites, but is it helping you generate more leads for your business?

How to Surf The Internet For Fun and Still Generate Business Leads

There is a way to surf the internet and simultaneously generate more leads for your business. The strategy looks something like this:

  1. Comment on every article that you read. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the content of the article. Just comment to begin with. By doing so you are leaving a footprint in the digital landscape for which people can trace back to you.
  2. Do not use your name but rather your email. When you are commenting on a blog post and are forced to fill out a form with your information prior to commenting, do not use your name in the name field. Instead use your best email address. The reason being that your answer in the name field of the form normally shows up with your comment. So if you use your email address and leave a smart comment then other readers might see it and decide to email you for business.

*Always use your email in the “name field” of a commenting form so that your email address and not your name shows up with your comment. Now other readers can email you should they desire.

* Now look at Cathy’s comment down below. She filled out the “name field” of the form with her first name which appears above her comment. The problem is that we have no way to contact her should we want to unless we want to spend our precious time looking for her on Facebook.

That’s no too hard to do is it? Now that you know how to generate business leads with a blog comment it is time for you to drop a comment on this post. Increase your digital footprint and let us know if you are familiar with any other great strategies for generating leads online?

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