Over the past year several business and website owners have asked our team where they should begin build links for a new website. To that question we answer, “social bookmarking websites”. Social bookmarking sites should be the first link building vertical that you turn to in a brand new SEO campaign merely for the fact that these links are almost always instantaneously approved. Fast link approval implies a fast index of your target URL which in turn implies a fast potential for ranking improvement.

Social Bookmarking Sites Build the Best Links

Social bookmarking sites not only provide instantaneous inbound links to your website but they normally carry a high page rank value in addition. A high page rank value means that the ranking authority that these social bookmarking sites will pass over to your website will be stronger than those websites with a lower page rank value. In case we are getting ahead of you, Page Rank describes a number between 0 and 10 that Google places on your website. A higher Page Rank implies your website is more credible and more influential than others. It is desirable to have a high Page Rank website link to your website.

You can compare the Page Rank of a website to social status in the United States. Having the president of The United States recommend your business will mostly likely do you more good than a regular civilian recommending your business. That is to say the President has more authority than the average Joe. In the world of SEO, having a website with a high Page Rank link to your website is similar to having an a recommendation from a highly respected president, CEO, or otherwise influential personnel.

Social bookmarking sites regularly carry a higher Page Rank than the majority of other websites. Inbound links from social bookmarking sites thus are more meaningful to your website ranking than directory submissions, integrative links, article submissions, and the like. At the start of any SEO campaign we recommend visiting those social bookmarking sites first and foremost!


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